Talk with our Team

Meet Theresa: An Inspiring Volunteer Making a Difference

+ rebuilt right now minister highlights Apr 10, 2023

Hey there! I wanted to take a moment to talk about one of the amazing volunteers we have here at Rebuilt. Her name is Theresa and she is truly an inspiration to us all.

Theresa has been a devoted parishioner of Nativity for many years, and she currently leads our host team. She's even invited her young adult children to join in and serve alongside her - how cool is that? Outside of her work with the church, Theresa is a successful business owner and actively involved in her community.

Recently, Theresa stepped up to coach at St. Andrew Parish in Westwood, New Jersey, which is led by Monsignor Joseph Chapel. She has an incredible talent for keeping teams organized and on track, which has been a huge help to the parish.

It's volunteers like Theresa who make our mission at Rebuilt possible, and we're incredibly grateful for all that she does. Please join me in praying for Theresa and her family.

If I can be praying for you in anyway please email me at [email protected] 

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