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Rebuilt Right Now: Courses

+ rebuilt right now rebuilt updates Sep 22, 2022

 Courses at Rebuilt have officially started for the fall season!

As leaders, we can only do so much on our own. That’s why our 1-hour, bi-weekly courses bring 3-5 parishes together in hopes that next-level collaboration can take place.

After all, why wouldn’t we want to learn from each other’s wins and losses?

Here’s a glimpse at the 5 courses coming this fall:

  • Foundations: A course for our new parishes to get the basics of Rebuilt
  • The Weekend: A course centered around improving the weekend experience
  • Grow Wider: All about helping parishes reach the unchurched and those who have fallen away from the faith
  • Leadership: Designed to create layers of leadership in a parish
  • Next Gen: Diving into what it looks like to invest in the next generation

As you can see, this is going to be an exciting fall journey.

Thank you for taking a moment for this Rebuilt right now update. If I can be praying for you in any way, please e-mail me at [email protected].

Tom Corcoran
President of Rebuilt