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Rebuilt Right Now: Jim Kennedy Volunteer Spotlight

+ rebuilt right now minister highlights Oct 06, 2022

At Rebuilt, we have a plethora of incredible people who serve at all levels, and today I would like to share two things I’ve learned from one of those individuals, Jim Kennedy.

A little background, Jim is one of our board members who is consistently investing in bettering the city of Baltimore as it relates to helping the underprivileged and helping the education system.

Pretty incredible, right?

Better yet, he has two key traits that have made Rebuilt better.

  1. He does his homework and truly takes the time to fully understand what’s in front of him
  2. After gaining a better understanding, he asks challenging questions that drive us all to be better.   

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try to be a little more like Jim moving forward.

Thank you for taking a moment for this Rebuilt right now update. If I can be praying for you in any way, please e-mail me at [email protected].

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