
Jesus Matters to Everyone at St. Hillary’s

+ rebuilt right now partner parish highlights Jan 11, 2023

Today, I want to take a minute and highlight the Parish of St. Hillary’s in Tibran, California, a town just outside of San Fransisco. St. Hillary’s stands beside their mission of making Jesus matter to everyone.

My good friend, Father Roger, and his associate Lisa lead the parish. They have a great grasp of the weekend of the importance of the weekend experience. In the New Year, they will introduce Jesus Jam, which is their 2023 children’s liturgy of the word program. They have invested a great deal of energy and time to get this program off the ground. And recently, they hosted their second Stewardship weekend.

Please join me in praying for Father Roger and Lisa and the people of St. Hillary’s.

If I can pray for you in any way, please email me at [email protected].