It’s Spring! Time to Rebuild.
Apr 11, 2024
Eastertime and springtime…there’s something undeniably special about this season. A time, above every other time of the year, of rebirth and renewal. If you’re looking for a path or a plan, check out the 5 steps in Rebuilt Faith.
1. Serve
We are called to embrace the privilege of serving others with hearts overflowing with love and compassion. Whether it’s extending a helping hand, comforting those in grief, or advocating on behalf of the oppressed, each act of service becomes an embodiment of God’s love made tangible through our actions.
Serving others isn’t always convenient or comfortable. Sometimes, it requires us to step out of our comfort zones. Yet, it’s in these moments of vulnerability and sacrifice that we encounter the renewing power of God’s grace, as He works through us to bring about renewal to not only ourselves, but to those we serve.
It's in the act of selflessly giving ourselves, that we discover the true essence of renewal – that in losing ourselves in service to others, we find the abundant life that Christ promises.
2. Tithe and Give
Renewal and rebuilding requires a reorienting of our relationship with money and possessions. It includes the recognition that everything we have ultimately belongs to God and is entrusted to us for his purposes. Tithing and giving, far from being legalistic obligations, becomes acts of worship – a response to God’s grace and a tangible expression of our trust in His provision. Beyond financial contributions, generous giving encompasses sharing our time, talents, and resources that meet the needs of others. It’s about recognizing that every resource we possess, whether material or immaterial, is a gift from God, entrusted to us for stewardship and service.
3. Engage in Christian Community
Engaging in Christian community isn’t just about simply attending church on the weekends or participating in social events; it’s about cultivating deep, meaningful relationships rooted in a shared faith and commitment to Christ. It’s about bearing one another’s burdens, celebrating each other’s victories, and supporting one another in carrying out the will of God. In the midst of life’s joys and sorrows, triumphs and trials, Christian community becomes a source of encouragement, comfort, and spiritual growth, as we journey together in pursuit of God’s kingdom purposes.
4. Practice Prayer and Sacraments
At the core of renewal lies a relationship with God – a relationship nurtured through prayer and participation in the sacraments of the Church, especially the Eucharist. In the discipline of prayer, we cultivate intimacy with God, through adoration, confession, and supplication. It’s in the sacred space of prayer that we encounter the renewing presence of the Holy Spirit, finding strength for our rebuilding.
Confession is a time for repentance, reconciliation, and renewal, as we humbly acknowledge our sins and receive God’s forgiveness and healing. In Holy Communion we encounter the Risen Lord, who shares his very life with us.
5. Share Your Faith
This step is both the culmination of our personal rebuilding and the catalyst for renewal in others – a cycle of grace that comes full circle.
From the foundational step of serving to sharing our faith, we are invited to embrace every facet of our faith journey with courage, compassion, and humility. Through serving others, cultivating generosity, and participating in the sacramental life of the church, we become agents of renewal, bringing light and hope to a world in need of God’s transformative grace.
For a more complete reflection on these “steps” checking out our book Rebuilt Faith! It is also the perfect gift to your unchurched friends and family.