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Rebuilt Update: Workshops Season Launching!

+ rebuilt right now rebuilt updates Aug 14, 2024

As we wrap up the summer, we're thrilled to share that the 2024-2025 Rebuilt Workshop season is set to begin in just a few weeks! These FREE weekly Wednesday Workshops offer practical insights for parish leaders, drawing from the Rebuilt model.

Last year, we welcomed around 950 parish leaders from a dozen different countries, and we're excited to kick off the new season on September 11, 2024 with a crucial discussion on "Raising up a Volunteer Army." This topic is essential for church health and resonates with the needs of many parish leaders.

For more details about this offering from Rebuilt and the rest of the topics we'll cover this year, listen to Tom's Rebuilt Right Now video.

Join us in praying for the success of these workshops and for the continued growth and health of parishes everywhere!


>> Register to attend these free live weekly workshops: Live Workshops Sign Up
>> Watch replays of previous Workshops: Workshops Replays - YouTube Playlist