Rebuilt Parish Coaching
Guiding Teams from Ideas to Implementation
What is Rebuilt Parish Coaching?
At Rebuilt, our mission is to make disciples by helping parishes make disciples. We believe the best way to encourage you in this mission is to walk along side your team while navigating the rebuilding efforts at your parish.
This is a pivotal moment in the life of the local parish church. Now more than ever, a parish leadership team needs not only resources but partners - a Coaching Team - to help take your rebuilding efforts from ideas to implementation.
Rebuilt Coaching includes group learning and personal coaching. Plus, we have a curriculum built around our Strategic Anchors of Leadership, the Weekend Experience and Growing Deeper & Wider in Discipleship.

What Is Included
Rebuilt Parish Coaching includes collegial idea sharing, encouragement and accountability with and from other parish leaders, which is primarily delivered through our unique Coaching Small Group model. Each parish will also have a personal Rebuilt Coach for ongoing support. Furthermore, you will gain inside access to Church of the Nativity expert staff, proven parish ministry systems and successfully implemented parish tools.
Annual Membership
The Rebuilt Parish Coaching Membership includes:
Group Coaching - The Pastor and one key colleague join with other parish leaders to learn the rebuilt model and participate in shared learning sessions. These courses are offered in Fall and Spring semesters. The curriculum tracks the Rebuilt Strategic Anchors. Some of the courses we currently offer are: Weekend Experience, Building Ministry Teams, Starting Small Groups, NextGen, Stewardship, Growing Wider and Leadership Principles of Parishes.
Personal Parish Coaching – Each parish is provided a dedicated coach who will guide your team as you implement the rebuilt principles and grow your parish.
Content Library – Rebuilt Parishes have unlimited access to the archived resources of the Church of the Nativity. This includes 1. Hundreds of homilies, organized in Message Series and aligned with the Liturgical Calendar. 2. Small Group Program materials with message videos and discussion questions 3. Children’s Liturgy of the Word detailed lesson plans with video instructions and original stories. Plus access to our new Equip course, Masterclasses, parish tools and much much more.
Rebuilt Contributor – Coaching Partners may be invited to join as subject matter guests on our Workshops and Podcast. This is a community - and you are now a part of this Rebuilt Parish movement!
Coaching Group Courses
The Rebuilt Coaching curriculum starts with our Foundations course and goes deeper into each Rebuilt Strategic Anchor as a parish moves through coaching. Here is a description of some of the courses.

Building your Foundation
Objective: Parish Leaders will learn and prepare to implement the strategic anchors that build the foundation to focus their decision-making on what is important to achieving their vision.
Objective Description: Parish Leaders will examine their unique vision and what success looks like in their parish. They will develop individualized parish goals and guiding documents that will determine and provide a roadmap for going forward.
- Importance of Leading with Vision
- Adopting the Strategic Anchors
- Using the Anchors as a lens to evaluate where you are
- Determining goals for your Strategic Anchors
- Importance of a Leadership Team
- Building a Roadmap & Guiding Documents
- Defining your discipleship path
Weekend Experience: Message
Objective: This course will provide details on the importance of "one church one message" and how to create a meaningful message series that engages parishioners and calls them to action in their discipleship path.
Objective Description: Parish leaders will learn how to create a message series, how to determine the topics, and how to get all of the priests and deacons on board to give a single message.
- Define Message Series
- Plan your annual message series (aligning to the annual calendar)
- One church One Message
- Feedback - as it relates to presenting the message

Finance & Stewardship
Objective: This course is designed to help parishes create a culture that understands the connection between giving and discipleship. A parish does not raise money, it raises givers.
Objective Description: Parish Leaders will gain strategies that help them create a culture of giving. The course includes a practical discussion of parish financial systems and budget processes that promote successful efforts with a focus on continuous review and planning. The course also addresses how to make the ASK, preparing both the Hearts and the Minds of parishioners in a way that leads to successful Stewardship Weekends and Capital Campaigns.
- A Parish Culture of Discipleship: How we Talk about Money
- Parish financial Systems & Budget Processes
- Development 101
- Tactics: Electronic Giving, Mid-Year Updates, Stewardship Letters, Giver Lunches
- How to Ask: Casting Vision & Stories of Life Change
- Planning and conducting a stewardship Sunday
- Creating an annual stewardship plan
Grow Wider
Objective: This course will allow parish leaders to assess their culture and define their target market for attracting and welcoming outsiders. It will provide practical steps for creating a welcoming environment and engaging visitors.
Objective description: Parish leaders will discern who is not already attending their parish services and create a plan for attracting outsiders. They will assess their current culture and work to create a culture and environment that is welcoming to outsiders. They will learn an invest and invite strategy that includes a discipleship path to attract and retain visitors and to help them grow in their faith.
- Know who is not there
- Create a welcoming and inviting environment - in person and online
- Implement a newcomer engagement path
- Provide exceptional Student Programs
- Align Culture to Mission and Vision
- Establish Invest and Invite Strategy
- Marketing and Communication

Leadership Strategies
Objectives: This course is intended to follow Foundations. The Leadership Strategies course will focus on important leadership principles, beginning with the creation of a leadership team who will assist with implementing the parish goals set during Foundations.
Objective Description: Parish Leaders will create a healthy leadership culture by developing processes, aligning priorities, and increasing communications to fulfill the vision, mission, and strategic anchors of the parish. Parish leaders will implement goals and quick wins using leadership principles as they progress through the course.
- Build a leadership team; create baseline metrics
- Decision Making - alignment to mission, vision, values
- Organization Charts and Layers of Leaders
- Cascading Communication and Meetings
- Leadership Styles: One-on-One Coaching to Create a Coaching Culture
- Dealing with Conflict
- Metrics: measuring your impact on the souls of your parish community
- Equipping, Empowering, and Releasing Authority - How to Delegate Effectively
- Building and Implementing Your Strategic Plan
Objective: Parish Leaders will develop and prepare to implement an exceptional worship and learning environment that invites and excites all kids and students, from 6 weeks old to college.
Objective Description: Parish Leaders will develop and prepare to implement strategies, support, and content that allow the next generation to be known, grown, noticed, and focused on what matters most; that Jesus loves them and the Father is madly seeking their hearts.
- Strategy: Creating the environment. What makes the space irresistible?
- Support: Building a ministry team strategy. How to recruit and train ministers
- Strategy: Small groups (1st - college). Everything we do points to small groups. Message given so that questions are discussed in small groups
- Engaging parents using sacramental preparation and faith milestones
- Content: Messaging, bible stories, small group curriculum, games and activities
- Strategy: Annual Calendar (rhythm of the year)
- How to attract and engage teenagers: A place to be known and cared for
- Resources: Curriculum, content, Life Church, Orange, Life Teen.
- How to write your own small group questions

Weekend Experience: Building up Ministers and Hospitality
Objective: Parish Leaders will build up a specific area of ministry by learning how to create a culture of ministry and build a ministry infrastructure.
Objective Description: This course provides the connection between serving and the discipleship path in order to build a culture of service by determining the systems and structures needed to engage the church community.
Topics Include:
- Building Connections to the Discipleship Path
- Why getting to know those in the pews is essential
- How to lead and disciple people through Ministry
- Building a irresistible (yet sustainable) Ministry Culture
- Creating Systems - Onboarding and Orientation Processes
- How to make a Church-Wide Ask
- How to raise up Leaders and grow your Volunteers
Coaching Overview
We believe that Coaching from Rebuilt Parish is the best way to enact real change in your parish. Our team will walk along side you and your team to develop a plan for your future. Download our one page PDF to share with your your leadership teams.

"With Rebuilt Coaching - having the opportunity to receive and provide feedback ourselves is an enriching experience that is deepening our understanding and call to leadership within the church."
- Fr. Roger Gustafson
Rebuilt Coaching Group Member

Are You Ready to Join the Movement?
Join parishes across the country and around the world who are making the commitment to fulfill the great commandment and the great commission. Space is limited.
Registration Closes on August 10th.