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Rebuilt Chapter Resources

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Rebuilt Resources: Chapter 14 Lead Where You Serve

The Lord brought David victory in all his undertakings. David was king over all Israel; he dispensed justice and right to all his people.

—1 Chronicles 18:13–14

What is leadership? How do you become a leader in your parish? How do you become a servant leader? Whether you are the parish pastor, pastoral associate, or a member of the parish staff, you have to become a leader who is a:

  • servant leader,
  • wise leader,
  • a leader who learns,
  • a leader of courage,
  • and a leader of faithfulness.
The Leadership of a Priest

Listen to Michael and Tom discuss the priest’s unique role in the parish as spiritual father. Avoiding both clericalism on the one hand and a false egalitarianism on the other, the priest exercises an authority of service.

You Can Do This: Becoming a Leader

If you’re a pastor, pastoral life director, pastoral associate, director of religious education, or youth minister:

  • Honestly examine your motives when it comes to your ministry. Take a look at why you do what you do.
  • Take a look around for the leadership people already in your pews, the people smarter than you who know stuff you don’t. Whatever your structure or governance, invite them to form an advisory group that speaks truth into your life and your stewardship of the parish.
  • Look beyond your parish to the resources available from other churches, even if they’re Protestant churches.
  • Start evaluating opportunities, problems, and fears when it comes to your ministry.
  • Pray about those fears, lean into those problems, and pursue those opportunities.
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