Rebuilt Parish Blog

Regularly updated messages from Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran!

Rebuilt Right Now: Jim Kennedy Volunteer Spotlight


At Rebuilt, we have a plethora of incredible people who serve at all levels, and today I would like to share two things I’ve learned from one of those individuals, Jim Kennedy.

A little...

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Rediscovering Our Mission Post-COVID

It’s hard to imagine a bigger disruption to church life in the last hundred years than our experience with the COVID-19 crisis. Gathering together for worship and the Sacraments, at the very...

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Rebuilt Right Now: Partner Update - Assumption Parish


There are some truly exciting things happening in Long Island, New York!

One of our partner parishes, Assumption Parish, led by Fr. Joseph Alenchery, is starting to see incredible breakthroughs as...

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Rebuilt Right Now: Courses


 Courses at Rebuilt have officially started for the fall season!

As leaders, we can only do so much on our own. That’s why our 1-hour, bi-weekly courses bring 3-5 parishes together in...

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Rebuilt Right Now - Layers of Leaders


At Rebuilt Parish, we promote four strategic anchors that we believe are absolutely essential for rebuilding a parish. Building a leadership culture or layers of leaders is one of our four...

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Rebuilt Right Now: Minister Update - Volunteer Event

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our ministry. We have dozens of volunteers who give their time, talent, and energy so that we can pour into parish leaders.

Recently we set a day aside to gather...

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Rebuilt Right Now: Partner Update - Trinity Communion Church


 Happy first day of September! I hope you have had a restful and enjoyable summer. While we have enjoyed the summer, we are ready to see some great things happen this Fall in...

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When and How to Train Ministers

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2019

Episode Highlights

Quote at Daniel’s gym: “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”...

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